Volunteer Grant Program

Volunteer Grant Program

Our Volunteer Grants Program will support projects to engage volunteers, broaden the volunteer base, and strengthen volunteering in local communities within Murrindindi Shire. These grants assist the work of local community organisations by reducing barriers for volunteers, increasing participation in volunteering and increases community capacity.

The objectives of Volunteer Grants are to:

  • help not-for-profit community organisations to support the efforts of their volunteers
  • encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering
  • build volunteer management capability within organisations; and
  • support the operations of volunteer driven grass roots community organisations.

Individual projects up to $1,500 will be considered from eligible organisations.

The total funds available for this grant round in 2025 is $25,000

The Volunteer Grants Program is open from 31 March until 30 April 2025

Before you apply

Before you commence the online application process, you MUST contact our Executive Officer Robyn Hill on 0488 007 688 or via email at robyn@foundationmurrindindi.org.au to discuss your proposal BEFORE you submit an application.

Before you submit your application we strongly encourage you to read and and understand the following documents:

1. Please read the Volunteer Grant Program fact sheet.
2. Read the Smarty Grants Help Guide for Applicants on the Smarty Grants web page. Click here to view the Help Guide for Applicants.
3. Read the Fact Sheet – Budgets and GST

How to apply - application submission

Once you have contacted the Executive Officer and read the relevant fact sheets and help guides, then you are ready to begin your online application.

The application process is managed online through a system called Smarty Grants.

To can access the grant application form and begin your submission CLICK HERE

As an independent and embedded community organisation, our reputation and voice, like our grantmaking, is a tool we can use to create impact in our region. We make grants to support local projects and also bring together and work collaboratively with community groups to increase community capacity and support the growth of this fantastic region.