Our Vision

Our vision

Our purpose

To inspire a community-led future for the Shire of Murrindindi.

Our vision

Thriving, vibrant and connected communities within the Shire of Murrindindi.

Our mission

We leverage our local knowledge, passion for our communities, our connections and resources and empower local communities to make a positive impact and create a strong vibrant future for the Shire of Murrindindi.

Our values

Leadership: We lead and collaborate with others to build a better community.

Knowledge: We are committed to understanding our local communities and local issues.

Respect: We show a genuine understanding and appreciation of qualities, rights and beliefs of others.

Integrity: We are open, honest and reliable.

Transparency: We are transparent in our operations, funds management and the grant process.

Accountability: We are accountable, diligent, impartial and credible.