Green Grants Program

Green Grants Program

The Green Grant Program focuses on our impact area of environment and sustainability. The Foundation is seeking to support community organisations to deliver environmental projects or programs that have a positive impact on the local environment and/or promote environmental stewardship and sustainability.

 Funding is available for projects that:

  • Increase community participation in conservation and sustainability; or
  • Maintain or enhance the natural environment in the Murrindindi Shire; or
  • Tackle climate change, waste reduction and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Individual projects up to a maximum of $500 will be considered.

The Green Grant program is open from 1 March until 31 March 2023.

How to apply

The application process is managed online through a system called Smarty Grants. You can access the grant application form here.

Before you commence the application process, you MUST contact the Executive Officer to discuss your project proposal. Give us a call or drop us an email. This step is essential before you submit your application.

Before you submit your application: 

1. Please read the   Green Grants Program 2023 – Info Flyer  
2. Read the Smarty Grants – Help Guide for Applicants 


As an independent and embedded community organisation, our reputation and voice, like our grantmaking, is a tool we can use to create impact in our region. We make grants to support local projects and also bring together and work collaboratively with community groups to increase community capacity and support the growth of this fantastic region.